✓Why Study in Germany?
✓Germany Education System
✓Courses Offered
✓Scholarship to study in Germany
✓Germany Visa Guidelines
✓Universities and Colleges
✓Study Cost for Indian students
✓Cost of Living
✓Why Study in Germany?

Each year more than 25,000 international students choose to study in Germany and undertake research activities. They are attracted by international study programmes and excellent research opportunities. In addition, study in Germany for Indian students allows them to be part of an international, highly qualified community. Over 300 international Degree programmes offer courses which are entirely or partly taught in the English language. These courses are offered in various disciplines, especially in Engineering, Natural Science, Computer Science, Business and Economics which leads to an internationally recognized Bachelor or Master degrees or even to a PHD. Universities are state-funded; therefore, generally low tuition fees are charged. Many institutions of higher education offer international students in Germany the opportunity to do internships or carry out research in industry. Germany lies in the heart of Europe- which is an excellent starting point to discover other famous European destinations. You can be in London, Paris in no time.

✓Germany Education System

There are 500 officially recognized institutions of higher education in 165 towns and cities throughout Germany.

Universities in Germany are categorized into three groups

    • University/Universitat
    • Universities of Applied Sciences/ Fachhochschule
    • College of Art, Film and Music

German institutions have two intakes

    • Winter- September / October
    • Summer – March / April

Deadlines for Applications:

    • Winter – Starts from 15th December to 31stØ March
    • Summer – Starts from 15th August to 15th January

Entry requirements for Master’s

    • Academic percentage – Above 70% is required.
    • Minimum IELTS score – Overall 6.5 with no band less than 6 OR Minimum TOEFL score – 87.
    • German Language – may not always be a criteria for admission but it is better to achieve a basic level of German language A1 or A2 as more and more universities are expecting at least A1 level

Entry requirements for Bachelor’s

  • 13 years of education is required for entry in a Bachelors program in Germany.(This can be achieved by successfully completing the first year of a Bachelors program from a recognized university in India in the relevant subject field.

    Successfully completing a Foundation year at a university in Germany to compensate for the 13th year of education.)

  • Academic percentage – Minimum 80% & above in 10th/12th /UG is required.
  • IELTS – Overall 6.5 with no band less than 6.
  • German Language – B2 Level Proficiency

✓Courses Offered

Germany’s higher education institutions are split into three main types

  • Universität (university)
  • Fachhochschule (university of applied sciences)
  • Kunstschulen, Musikhochschulen, or Filmschulen (colleges of art, music, or film)


Thousands of programmes are offered, meaning there will be a course for everyone. Whilst many of the institution types offer similar courses, their focuses are slightly different. university generally focus on research-driven programmes, whereas university of applied sciences offer a more practical approach to subjects.

Germany also offers a wide range of unusual degrees including Aerial Archaeology, which studies the history of the earth from a bird’s eye view. Another example is Bionics, which teaches students to imitate nature as closely as possible, fusing technology, biology and engineering.

Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering (WASTE) International Management – Focus on Creative Leadership
American Studies International Media Cultural Work
Applied Biotechnology International Product and Service Management
Automotive Management Law and Economics
Automotive Systems Live Art Forms
Biofabrication Management of Creative Industries
Biotechnology Master of Business Administration
Buddhist Studies Master of Business Administration (CMI)
Communication and Media Engineering (CME) Matter to Life
Communications and Information Technology Money and Finance
Communications and Multimedia Engineering National Economics
Computational Engineering National/political economics
Control, Microsystems, Microelectronics Nuclear Applications
Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization Operations Research and Business Analytics
Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering Political Economy
Design and Interaction Political Economy of European Integration
Digital Media Politics, Economics, Philosophy
Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Control (E-PiCo) Project Management
Electrical and Information Engineering Public Art and New Artistic Strategies
Electrical Communication Engineering Quantitative Data Science Methods – Psychometrics, Econometrics and Machine Learning
Electrical engineering Quantitative Economics
Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems Religion in the Public Sphere
Engineering and International Business – Focus on Renewable Energy, Water and Waste Management Religious Studies
Expanded Media Renewable Energy Engineering and Management
Game development and research Research on Teaching and Learning
Global Communication: Politics and Society (Global Communication: Politics and Society) Social and Economic Data Science
Global Management Sport Management
Global MBA Strategic Digital Marketing
History and Culture of the Baltic Sea Region Supply Chain Management
Integrated Water Resources Management Sustainable Development Management
Integrated Water Resources Management Tricontinental Master’s course in Global Studies
International Affairs Water Resources and Environmental Management
International Logistics and Trade Water Science and Engineering


✓Scholarship to study in Germany

Germany lies in the heart of Europe- an excellent starting point to discover other famous European destinations. It has become a renowned destination amongst students for higher studies. International students in Germany receive distinct scholarships.

        The scholarships are classified as:

  • Non-Government Funded Scholarships
  • Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Heinrich Boll Scholarships for International Students
  • Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships
  • Kurt Hansen Science Scholarships
  • Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) for Developing Countries
  • Mawista Scholarship
  • Deutschland Stipendium
  • The Helmholtz Association
  • Government Funded Scholarships
  • University Specific Scholarships
  • DAAD International Scholarship

DAAD is scholarships for International applicants from the field of Fine Art, Design, Film, Music and Architecture as well as Drama, Direction, Dance and Choreography. The scholarship payment depends on the applicant’s academic qualifications. It is usually €650.00 (from February 2018: €750.00) for undergraduate students, €750.00 (from September 2018: €850.00) for graduate scholarship holders and €1,000.00 (from September 2018: €1,200.00) for doctoral candidates and post doc scholarship holders). The payments for university teachers are typically: €2,000.00 for assistants, assistant professors and lecturers, €2,150.00 for professors. International artists can apply for this study scholarship when they decide to study in Germany.

✓Germany Visa Guidelines

As study in Germany consultants below we provide comprehensive information on how to attain a study visa: Documents Required: Two Visa Application Forms (please make sure that both forms are duly filled out and signed indicating especially the address of your future residence in Germany – (question 15) as well as your complete address including telephone number and e-mail address in India).
  • Signed declaration on true and complete information. -Three passport pictures according to biometric specifications.
  • Visa fee of 75 Euros(Rs. 6630) at present (subject to change) to be paid through Demand Draft made out to the “Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany” in VFS Global Center.
  • Valid passport with a validity of at least 12 months along with two copies of all printed pages. – Cover letter from applicant, explaining the exact purpose and duration of your stay in Germany.
  • Letter of admission from the German University.
  • Proof of the block account that study fees have been paid, if applicable. In case the fees are not paid or due yet, proof has to be provided that the necessary amount will be at the applicant’s disposal in due course of time. (. (Students have to open a blocked account (called “Sperrkonto”) in Germany in the name of the applicant and deposit Euros 10,356.)
  • School Leaving Certificate of Secondary School
  • University Certificates (Degree Certificates and Mark Sheets)

Proof of Language Proficiency (TOEFL / IELTS, original and A 4 sized copy). Exemptions do apply in case of a written confirmation from the University that this requirement may be waived, for applicants for PhD / Doctorate studies and Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Holders.

✓Universities and Colleges

  • Jacobs University, Bremen
  • SRH Hochschule Berlin
  • Cologne Business School, Cologne
  • Hochschule Bremen – International Graduate Centre, Bremen
  • GISMA Business School, Hanover
  • Accadis University of Applied Sciences, Bad Homburg, Hamborg
  • EBS University
  • German International College
  • New European College, Munich
  • International University of Applied Sciences—IU
  • International School of Management, Dortmund
  • EU Business School, Munich
  • Berlin School of Business and Innovation
  • University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Hamburg
  • EIIE Eurasia Institute for International Education GmbH, Berlin (Except Gujarat, Punjab and Haryana)
  • Arden University, Berlin
  • Lancaster University, Lipzing
  • International Graduate Center
  • Schiller International University, SIU

✓Study Cost for Indian students

International students can study for free at public universities in Germany. However, there is an enrollment, administration and confirmation charge per semester that must be paid by them. This varies depending on the type of university – private or public and the chosen course.

Private universities charge tuition fees, which is variable based on the course you wish to study. However, the tuition fee in German universities is usually on the lower end of the spectrum and is quite affordable when compared to other countries.

Note: Only public universities offer free education. Their admission criteria include fluency in the German language.

How much does it Cost to Study in Germany?

IELTS Exam Fee 14,700 INR
Tuition Fee of Universities (1 Year) 8,40,000.00 INR
Living Costs 9,50,000.00 INR
Airfare from India to Germany 50,000.00 INR
Visa Fee 6,500.00 INR
Total Expenses 18,46,500.00 INR
Less Part Time Earnings 5,00,000.00 INR
Net Cost 13,46,500.00 INR
Less Scholarship Amount If Applicable
Total Money to be spent by the student 14,00,000.00 INR

✓Cost of Living

Compared to other European countries, the cost of living in Germany is quite reasonable. The prices for food, accommodation, clothing, cultural events, etc are basically in line with the European average. International students in Germany will need around €750 – €1715 a month to cover living expenses.

Expenses Monthly Average cost (In EURO)
Food & beverages €150 – €250
Housing & household utilities €300 – €700
Health €100 – €115 per month
Transport €0 – 150
Miscellaneous goods & services €150 – €300
Other expenses €50 – €200